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Oskar Trebitsch "Enemy Aliens" (letter to the editor), in: Sidney Morning Herald, 30.12.1940

Oskar Trebitsch "Enemy Aliens" (letter to the editor), in:
Sidney Morning Herald, 30.12.1940


Sir,- In regard to the excellent article of Dr Farnes in the ' Herald ' of December 26 may I be allowed to emphasise that the real destruction of the predominance of democracy started on the Continent on February 12 1934. On this dark day Dollfuss and Prince Starhemberg, who can now pose as a converted fighter for democracy with the forces of de Gaulle, broke down with artillery fire the Austrian workers, in their desperate fight for the defence of the Parliamentarian constitution of our Republic. No arm was raised in the Western Democracies to stop the fight.
Dollfuss, and later Schuschnigg, made only a weak attempt to combine Fascism with Catholic Conservatism and to reconcile the masses until in the March of 1938 Hitler gathered his hordes on the frontier. Every child in Europe knew that the main condition of an independent Austria, in itself a precondition for the balance of power created after the war was active assistance by France and Britain. One of my most frightlul memories is the day when we got the news that the British Government asked in the House of Commons about the imminent invasion declared not to be in the position to make any statement. All was lost and it is the greatest merit of the Christian martyr Schuschnigg that he avoided ordering the 30 000 Austrians to resist with arms the millions of the
third Reich.
We had to leave Vienna, this bastion of a new democracy and an old culture, and with it all that was dear in our life. But the sacrifice imposed on us was a sacrifice of far more. it was the sacrifice of eastern Europe to Hitler. The door to Hungary and Roumania was flung wide open to him and Czecho-Slowakia with her strong army was hopelessly outflanked from the south. We Austrian democrats were not “the guilty men”.
Now some of us are allowed to end our days as exiles under the flag of the British Empire, the farflung might of which we have trusted so much. But in the meantime we must have patience, because we are treated in this democracy as "enemy aliens" until a judge will be found in Australia to ascertain our personal records, of which we have no cause to be ashamed in a real democracy.
Your faithful:

Vaucluse Dec 26 Doctor of Law

Größe248 x 506
Verknüpft mitOskar (Oscar) Nicholas Trebitsch

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